You may have heard people call high school students “the next generation” or the “future of the church” but we want you to know that you are an essential part of the body of Christ right now; whether you’re 14 or 40, if you are a believer in Christ, you have been called to serve God and serve other people.

We believe that this life of servitude God has called all of us into is characterized by selflessness, love, and humility. Burn Leadership is a ministry through which we want to equip and empower students who feel called to lead other individuals with a Christ-like attitude.

We want your involvement in this ministry to spring from your understanding that God loves you unconditionally and that serving Him isn’t about earning your place in Heaven - Christ did that for you. As a believer in Christ, each one of you was created, saved, and gifted for ministry. God has designed a distinct calling for you. He has given you gifts, experiences, and qualities that He wants you to use, not just at church, but also at home, work, school, on your sports team, etc.

This is not just an extension of your social life. We are looking for people who have a desire to care for and love others in order to glorify God. We are looking for people who are serving in all aspects of their life and who are willing to be spiritual leaders to those around them. We want people who are motivated by the fact that Christ loves us and set the ultimate example of service.

We want to train, develop, and disciple student so that they are equipped to better serve their church, schools, and communities. We want to see BSM students grow and discover their gifts and abilities so that they can use them to glorify God. We want BSM to be a place where students are encouraged to not only cast a vision, but execute it as well, knowing that they are empowered by the Holy Spirit and supported by those around them.

 Volunteer Application

Student Leadership Application